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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Water pollution

            Water pollution is the contamination of the water. The contamination may be on the water of river, lakes, ocean and so on. Polluted water may cause adverse effect on the health of the living being. 

              Water pollution is one of the worldwide serious problem. Many living organisms such as domestic and wild animals, birds and human beings are being the victim of many diseases such as curable and incurable are spreading by polluted water due to which victims are being unhealthy and someone are even dying. The main cause of the water pollution is human being as well as nature itself. Human being throws the wastage of their house in the flowing river. It cause water pollution. Almost all of the industries, factories and hospitals produce  unwanted liquid chemicals and they throws those chemicals on the water. It also contaminated the water. Likewise, natural disasters like flood, landslides and volcano also cause the water pollution.

            Water pollution is the most growing problem of every country. It has many negative effect. Water pollution must be reduced. For this people must not throw waste materials on the water, wastage of industries, factories and hospitals should be maintained properly and they should not be thrown in the river. If we do so, we can somehow reduce the problem of water pollution.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Land pollution

                              Land pollution is the degradation of land surfaces due to human activities and other factors. Land pollution cause adverse effects on the environment as well as human health. The main cause of land pollution is human being itself because human activities like throwing wastage, cutting down trees and so on. Likewise, natural disaster like flood and volcano disaster also cause land pollution.

                             Land pollution is increasing day by day. Now a days our growing population is producing more and more wastage from their kitchen, living room and so on. In order to keep their house that is living clean they throws those those wastage out of the house at the road or at surrounding area. It results in land pollution. People living in village area or the people living near forest area rear animals like goat, cow, buffalo, ox and so on and they destroys the forest area in order to graze their cattle. They also cut down the trees for firewood and to earn income by selling those trees of forest areas. As a result destruction of forest leads to landslides. Farmers of today's generation are using chemical fertilizer in their field in order to produce crops. As a result fertility of the soil degrades and land becomes hard and rough. Natural disasters like flood and volcano eruption also cause land pollution because flood takes away the fertility of the soil and only leaves the sediment on the previous land. Likewise, volcano eruption also leaves the lava on the land and destroys the geographical condition of the land and pollutes the land.
                         In order to decrease the land pollution people have to maintain the wastage from home by decaying the raw materials into necessary fertilizer and and should not use those materials which cannot be decayed such as polythene bag. They must not destroys the forest area. If they can do it then it can somehow reduce the land pollution. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Air Pollution

   Air pollution is that type of pollution that pollutes the air. Air pollution harms the health of human beings and the health of all other kinds of living creatures. It degrades the environment and the atmosphere. There are mainly three factors that causes pollution-solid particles, liquid droplets and gases.

             Now a days there are many vehicles. Those vehicles  leaves harmful gases like carbon monoxide.Factories and industries leaves sulfur dioxide gas. Likewise, sometimes we have to face the disaster like volcano eruption and fire in house or forest. Volcano leaves harmful ash and fire leaves harmful carbon dioxide gas. Likewise there are many other factors that pollutes the air. Some of them are green house, land without agriculture for a long period of time, chemicals and controlled burn particles of agriculture and forestry, fumes like hair spray and so on. When the air pollution increases it depletes the ozone layer due to which harmful rays easily enters in the earth surface. As a result people as well as animals became the victim of many new diseases and they become unhealthy. It also degrades the environment and it's natural beauty.
         Air pollution must be controlled. For it vehicles run by fuels should be banned, industries and factories must be built far away from human civilization, more trees should be planted, fires should be controlled and so on.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


            Today's one of the most common and most talked issue is about pollution. Pollution not only degrade the environment but also hampers living species' health. Generally there are four types of pollutions-air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution.

            Our country Nepal is also facing the problem of pollution. Day by day trees are being cut down in order to made it resident area due to which the possibility of flood and landslides is growing. People also use chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers in their field due to which nutritious part of the soil decreases. It causes land pollution. Likewise, many industries and factories are being established which leaves harmful gases on the air. It causes air pollution. There are many industries and factories in our country. And those industries and factories as well as hospitals leaves harmful chemicals on the water. It causes water pollution. There are many vehicles like buses, cars, motorcycles and so on. Those vehicles produces loud noises in the area. It causes noise pollution.

              Pollution is injuries to health. As the pollution increases; diseases also spreads fast due to which many living organisms dies.The main cause of pollution is human being itself because all the things that cause pollution is produced by humans.And to reduce those pollution awareness programs about the negative effects about the increment of pollution should be done in many parts of the country. People must stop throwing gar badges in everywhere. They should first start it from their own house on controlling the pollution .